Permission to Recharge

Well, here we are again, another year behind us.

Goodbye 2021 and HELLO 2022!!

The sad thing is we are still struggling with the ongoing Covid Pandemic which has caused much stress for many of us including myself over the past 18 months, personally, financially and mentally. But I resolved to allow myself some downtime by closing the office for the week over the holidays, which I never do, and I mean “completely closing”, no turning on computer to check emails, no filing, no bookkeeping or making any phone calls. Now this was very tough, but I vowed to allow myself this period to recharge and I embraced it! I reminded myself daily that it was okay to sleep in and not follow the time clock, or that it was okay to feel lazy half way through the day and curl up with a book and a mug of tea, or that it was okay to turn off social media and the outside world for a few days, and that it was okay if I wanted to binge watch Netflix and eat cereal for dinner! I simply did what I wanted to do for a week and I Loved It!

This mentality of “slowing down” really energized me and as the week progressed I felt the “Brain Fog” clear and my strength and focus replenish.

I hope you had a chance to “Recharge” over the holidays and give yourself permission to pursue whatever will renew your energy for the year ahead.

Many of us get so caught up in the day to day rushing around, overscheduling, family responsibilities, work obligations, that we end up forgetting about ourselves, not eating properly and missing countless hours of quality sleep which can all effect your health and well being and leave you feeling drained and run down. If this sounds like you, I recommend allowing yourself a “self-care” break of possibly a week, a weekend, a day or even an evening to feel the positive effects of “slowing down”!

Some things that I enjoyed and encourage you to try to help you recharge and get that feeling of bliss and relaxation:

  • Enjoy the great outdoors! Go for a hike or walk in Nature or simply around the neighborhood to get some fresh air

  • Get creative by partaking in crafts or a hobby such as painting, knitting, cooking, or baking

  • Get Active. Exercise such as Yoga and Breathing techniques as well as Burning a sweat release positive healthy vibes

  • Play a Game with the family! Laughter is a cure all medicine

  • Soak up some warm delights in a bath filled with Epsom salts to release tension and relax muscles

  • And lastly, that little cafe or restaurant you have been eyeing up all year, TREAT yourself! You deserve it!

I hope you will be inspired to take some time for yourself if you haven’t already! I know the time that I had last week was amazing! And I feel ready to tackle this Powerful 2022 that is upon us!!

Happy New Year to you all!


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